Josephat S. Hema

This long vacation had been a nice one."It has been a long time",he thought as
passing through a narrow pathway touching wet grasses along its sides,feeling the
 comfortable warmth after a long time heavy rainfall.Coldness could still be felt,he had his blue 
sweater on.
The narrow road was the old one.It had two separations,the left one to the market
 place and the right one to his once Primary School.He had a sweet history with the right one,those 7 years of success,joy,friendship and love.He had been using it
 joyfully everyday,Morning and Evening.He was a very fond of School.He remembered the time 
when he wanted to go there even though he was too sick.He smiled as
 he watched that right roadway and turned to follow the left one.Her mother had
ordered him some vegetable even though he knew how poor he was at choosing the nice ones.He
 never made it right and so he knew this time it just had to be him
 because no one else was at home.Time flew with the family togetherness,his big
 brothers and sisters had gone away to find life elsewhere and some had already
established their own families.The old Father left early to his long time working place as the senior 
accoutant,left him at home with her Mother,a Tailor.
As he approached the Market he noticed a young mother carrying two little babies,
the babies looked so much alike and they were so beautiful,he glanced them until the mother looked 
up after picking the vegetables of her choice from a table.She looked him on the face and looked
 aside suddenly,looked dismayed as she turned around
sharply and left.
"Linda",He opened up his mouth to call her but no voice could be heard.He wanted
to run over her but she had already dissappeared into the crowd.He stood up
dissapointed,wondering why she even didnt want to greet him,after a long time of
 missing each other.The last time it was when he was leaving for his Secondary
education to one of the prominent Boarding Schools in the Country.Linda was not
 selected despite her smartness in class,He was very sorry for her.She wanted to cry that evening 
when he was saying goodbye.And so he left her,came back after he
finished his Secondary education.Heard some stories of her forced marriage and the
like,of which he never wanted to believe until he realised how Linda used to avoid
 him.And how she never replied even a single letter from him.
He felt like crying,just remembering how beautiful their friendship was,the friendship which they
 wanted to turn it into marriage,if God had wished.He remembered how
they used to joke over each other that when they will be married,they would want to get twins.
It was an obvious fact that he was very fond of her.That Beautiful Linda,the girl
 whom the whole small town talked of both her obvious and invisible good deeds.
He was not sure of what he exactly wanted from her the time when he stopped her.They had gone to 
fetch water from the Community pipes.
He greeted her and she replied,some stories came in between,it was all about School and especially 
about the new Head Teacher and how strict he was.His mind was too busy to listen,he wanted to tell
 her something but all the words he prepared had
already gone nowhere.He wished that the book he read yesterday was close enough
 that he could revise those beautiful phrases he cramed to tell her.He wanted her to be his girl,just 
being with her most of times,going to school together and church of
course,talking to her most of times especially during break time,doing assignments
together and probably sharing the desk.
She was talkative and now she dominated the talk while he was just hearing her
 sweet killing voice from afar.He just was busy remembering how he wanted to
speak to the extent that he was counting the birds flying behind her,up high to the
 cloud.He counted the trees and ripen mangoes,he counted the bicycles and all the
 kids playing around.He was enjoying how foolish he suddenly turned in-front of her.
Her sisters who were as beautiful as her called her and she said goodbye and left as he saw his old 
brother laughing at him over his fears talking to a girl.He called him coward in a loud voice.Linda 
turned back and smiled as her sisters were laughing and talked to each other pointing at them making Linda feeling annoyed and shy.This
childhood acting was cool.That time,how a girl could balance well a bucket full of
water on her head an walk hands free was one among the characters of a good girl.Linda was a 
prototype,she had a combination of all adorable features.She was walking slowly and surely,beautifully balancing all the necessary forces to let her hands
bucket-free and moves majestically swinging.How pretty she looked.This is what used to kill Him 
thousand times,let alone how neat and smart she was at School.All
teachers and students admired her well ironed uniforms and pretty plaited hair.She
 also used to be intelligent than all girls in the class,let alone how disciplined she
was,decent and full of
 respect.She was just perfect.All boys admired and feared her,all girls were
jealousy over her.
"It's your turn,push it",his brother told him while showing him their old wheelbarrow with 6 buckets of water.The wheelbarrow had all its tires punctured with no repairs.It hardly moved,it needed extra
 strength.All his friends laughed at them on their ways with it every time. He pushed it ignoring his 
brother who kept laughing and joking all the way home about that day's scenery.

After a long time of plan and falls,she became her best friend,although it was the
last year of their studies at Majengo Primary School.But he at least made it,their
friendship was fruitful,they studied together and passed many exams,they went to
church together.They promised each other to be friends forever.This was before the
final examination came,the time when Linda was secretly informed by her aunt that
 she had to be married after the final exam so that her parents would pay a huge
debt to the Bank from the Bride Price.This confused her and made her less
concentrated to exam preparations and as the result She didn't make it up.But He
passed and told her that he will fight for her,study hard for her and finally marry
her.She said she would refuse to be married by any means.
Time flew and all these happened.
"She is still so beautiful",he said resisting his tears which forced to come out and
 succeeded.He wiped them with his handkerchief while finding a preferable place to purchase the 
vegetables mother ordered.The day turned grey.

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