Josephat S. Hema

“Don’t judge your friends, don’t judge anyone, just pray for them and be good to them and show them good, time will let them good”, someone told me this, I wish I could remember him/her but great enough is to remember what he put on my tender heart and how pretty are its fruits. I got a lesson of tireless loving. I got to learn how you can be gazelle among friendly Leopards and still be a gazelle. How you could keep on eat grass during their meat meal, and drink water instead of blood, and find grass instead of hunting when its hunting time, and more of that but still be close and joyful.

I learnt that a friend to be called a friend must not be same black, as you so that he becomes your friend, or white. A friend is just a friend, can be the most unlikely candidate, with a very opposite outlook but still be a good friend. Is it sensible? I guess not.

You know why, most of us find people whom we share most common values, and call them friends, at that time we try to alienate ourselves from people whom we don’t fit with, people with undesirable characters. Unluckily there are some inspirational teachings today insist on choosing people to associate with and some people to avoid. I’m not trying to challenge the validity of the teachings but just trying to check on the other side of the coin. Thinking on how we can affect their life, those people whom we seem to not match with, those seeming to have undesirable characters. Just by being around them for sometimes, just by speaking some impactful things to them, just by showing that we still can hang around with them though we cannot do some things together, or we cannot go some places together and let them know why. Just by telling them the advantage of some other values on the side of our lives, or sometimes just by silently letting them observe our lives, see the positively shinning side of ours, let them desire to be just like us some days, let them absorb the goodness in us, let them know that we still care even though we are different. But being keen enough to hold on our good values in the midst of sometimes unfavorable environments and people should be a key strong character if we really need to change some people’s lives into positivism.

Care is a sign of love. Love matters a lot, Love can speak by itself. Sometimes it is not necessary to tell people that you love them, it can easily be reflected through our actions. Some people out there miss this important life need, because good people who can show them tend to avoid them, they cling to their fellow good people, because they are afraid to associate with people who cannot affect them positively. They are afraid to waste time. They are afraid to lose their goodness. They are afraid to hang out with people who cannot help them anything, people who add up nothing to their goodness. It’s a stinging truth that some people’s attitudes and characters even grow worse because of isolation and being ignored by the good side of the World. Some Criminal and Psychiatry cases are a result of chronic social isolation.

It’s a call, let us examine ourselves and understand that we are not living for ourselves but for others. We have to cross the boundary of selfishness that makes us values our goodness and try to insecurely preserve it or try to not pollute it. Any goodness should be shared with the rest of the World. If there is any chance of Love to be shared, let it be shared to everyone. We were created equally, we all have almost equal needs in life, we all need care, we all need Love, and everyone needs Love, Black or White.

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