Josephat S. Hema
The Key verse Romans 8:28
Romans 8:28 (KJV)
And we know that all things work together
for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his
There are three key words here,LOVE(to
God)CALLING AND PURPOSE.keep them in your mind!
Basically,we share a little on the
understanding of God’s purpose for our life and the desire for Human to
understand the purpose and to fulfill it!JOSEPH is the central character of
this teaching.
God created us in his own image,He is full
of Glory and He never intended to give that Glory to any being(Isaiah 42:8)so
He wants his glory back in the form of thanksgiving,praise and worship!He wants
a human being whom he created,in his full conscious,to glorify Him.We hereby
came to the understanding thay the core purpose we have on earth is to Glorify
1 Corinthians 10:31 (NIV)
So whether you eat or drink or whatever
you do,do it all for the glory of God.
Colossians 3:17 (NIV)
And whatever you do, whether in word or
deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father
through him.
In the mission to fulfilment that great
and main purpose,God Has called us(CALLINGS) in various ways to achieve the
goal.We come to the concept of
callings!Every calling is meant to fulfill that core purpose,To glorify God!
Callings are general and specific!
A call to multiply in Genesis 1:28
and A call to evangelism(Great
Commission) are General calls!For this God has called us to increase both in
number(and wealth) and in spiritual terms(Salvation).But remember the core purpose
2 Corinthians 4:15
All this is for your benefit, so that the
grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow
to the glory of God
Increasing is the sign of God’s
glory(God’s presence or manifestation) and in turn He wants the deep
praise,honour and appreciation from our Hearts.
But also some people had specific callings
which also add up to the fulfilment of the main purpose-Glorification of God!
For instance Oholiab and Bezalel(Exodus
31:1-6),were craftsmen to whom the creativity in artworks was added by God so
that they Glorify Him in tarbenacle decoration.
Kings,Prophets,Apostles,Judges are
examples of specific callings ever portrayed in the Bible for God’s Glory!
We learn on the connection between your
heart and God’s purpose and here is where we look upon the life of Joseph.Among
the very important Characters that made Joseph to live fully the purpose of God
were Obedience and Faith!
These two factors are HEART FACTORS.Its
only a loving heart that can contain these things,and here is where we always
stumble,fall,delay and worry about the future!
Romans 8:28(above) describes to whom all
things work together for good!-THOSE WHO LOVE HIM,,,,those who are CALLED
according to his PURPOSE!
God searches the Heart,above all
things,the level of love towards Him,because He wants his glory to come out
from people with loving heart,people who obey and have faith in Him.He calls
people of this Kind!
Love has the power to destiny
fulfilment,Joseph had this,he kept his profile pure everyday,through all
temptations and heart breaks,he remain focused!There is no a single step he
doubted although sometimes he was sent to prison and slavery,at thay point it
was not obvious that he would rule one day. Nowadays when we face uneven
situation like this we lose faith by doubting,the power of love weakens,and
sometimes we lose obedience,we go astray,this delays God’s manifestations in our life!
Let Love lead!
John 14:23
Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will
obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make
our home with them.
Once you keep a pure heart and maintain
it,you shouldn’t worry because what will be will surely be,God is always
faithful,He is always there to fulfill His promises,He is not a lying God,He is
always doing things on’s our Hearts which delays the processes.When
we lose faith and disobey.
Israelites suffered the consequences of
unfaithfulness and disobedience-Numbers 14.
They delayed to reach the fully Glory and
manifestations of God although they really knew their destination.
We nowadays worry about what will be?what
job or profession?what wife/husband?and the likes.Its true that some other
things should involve our thinking but my point is that;we should make faith
and obedience the priority,this will make God to lead us into right paths!
Proverbs 21:2 (KJV)
Every way of a man is right in his own
eyes: but the LORD pondereth the hearts.
We should first concentrate on His Kingdom
and its righteousness(Mathew6:33)
“ Like when you sit in front of a fire in
winter — you are just there in front of the fire. You don't have to be smart or
anything. The fire warms you.”
-Desmond Tutu.
Whether a
doctor,teacher,lawyer,engineer,politicians,writer,actor,musician etc
The main purpose is GLORY to God.
Don’t worry when your passion
dissappears,or when you lose an opportunity to what you’ve been dreaming of
because that weren’t meant to be,still God wants glory from you,through
something else!
David was just a musician and a
shepherd,he probably enjoyed that,but God called him for something He wanted to
be glorified through.
Sometimes we happen to do things we never
expected,if we remember one thing that we are called to Glorify God,we should
do it with our mighty and stop feeling down for lost dreams.
You may plan to be something good but He
wants you to be something else-BETTER!
God can grant your passion or not,for his
genuine reasons!
Proffesion is nothing but a call to
glorify God,every Christian should understand this.
God’s purpose in your life is about
God(HIS GLORY) and not about you!
Dr Tony Evans once said,
“When you realise that God’s purpose for
your life isn’t just about you,He will use you in a mighty way!
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