(Final letter).

Josephat A. Wangwe

We stayed and prayed for grandfather’s return,
at Robert’s Island he went for a conference,
to talk and chart of the freedom’s fee,
we cried and cried for our prayers to be heard.

Meanwhile the rain of tears kept on watering our land,
fear grew stronger and held many hostages,
few including me escaped to the bondages of exile,
I was coward to pay the blood price you paid.

Mrs.Masombuka stood and let her voice up,
but faced the rock and her echo varnished her,
I hope you’ve met her there already,
She paid part of the debt we’re still indebted to man in power.

Never have I settled since I left Soweto,
I’ve been wandering from place to place,
But I’ve not been able to reach Luther’s dream,
Kids of slaves and masters still have no table of brotherhood.

It’s education you died for,
but still it demands more and more blood,
poor are infrastructures not to mention the syllabus,
Hector, it’s costs are beyond measures,
I guess it was meant for silver ringed offsprings.

Hector, no room to yell out even once,
if you do, soon you’ll be tarnished,
we’re clever but they know how to use power,
damn, I never knew I was this powerless,
I’ve been useless even after grandfather’s return.

African kid’s sound is still worthless,
well, after all it is still the same black skin,
tears are still flowing since then,
who shall come and dry them out!!!?,
much has been left unsaid Hector,
see you when you see me after I get there.

      Poet; Josephat A Wangwe.
©medart- 2018.(Towads African Child day)

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