Acts 26:24
At this point Festus interrupted Paul's defense. "You are out of your mind, Paul!" he shouted. "Your great learning is driving you insane.(NIV)

Paul the Apostle was speaking before the lawyers and rulers,and guess what,much of the things he spoke didn't make sense to them,why?He had a different mindset!

Paul was not insane,he was just against their mindset-conservatism,he was speaking to people whose minds were prepared to oppose him,people who never wanted to listen and understand,people who didn't want to get convinced.People with little knowledge on what he was addressing.

Festus could see that and at least his statement (Festus) was true for two things:

1.Paul had a great learning,he was a bookworm,he was a great thinker,how could he make sense to ordinary people,so to say?even today,some of pauls epistles are very difficult to understand,regardless of the great advancement in learning skills.

2.Great learning can change someone's attitude.

This actually depends on the books you read.
Once a man from India famously known as Osho(1931-1990) ,a mystic,guru and spiritual teacher could establish the so called International Rajneesh religious movement which influenced a number ofpeople worldwide untill it was abolished in the US.He had much influence due to the power of great knowledge he got from learning much on books.

It is said that Osho read a total of 150,000 books from 1950s through 1980 when he stopped due to eyes problems,he had the capability to read 200 books a weak!!!!Osho had ever admitted that he read every knowledge,more than a "word" and his mindset was greatly transformed.This made him a person who would think far beyond the normal and he became a critic to many religious beliefs,He simply had a troubled mind.

On the other side,Much reading is what made Daniel to open up his eyes about God's precious promise towards Israelites slavery.(.Daniel 9:2)

Again,it depends on what you read much!

There is an phrase that goes this way...BOOKS AND FRIENDS SHOULD BE FEW AND GOOD.
The statement goes countercurrently with voracious reading,but one time a wise person wrote this

Ecclesiastes 12:12
“Be warned,my son,of anything in addition to them,of making many books there is no end,and much study wearies the body.

The verse and the statement above try to explain the so termed HEALTHY READING.In the concept,its better to get immersed in the right selection of what you are interested much,get much details on that at best be an expert on that.At some point in your life you have to reach this stage.

It’s better to collect much knowledge on various matters at least a bit,but you can't be the best in all,find your specialisation,this will make you healthier in terms of your mind!Bad choices make the reciprocity.
(The same applies to friendship)

One time,E.B White an American old magazine writer was asked by an interviewier(in the book WRITERS AT WORK),”Were you a voracious reader during your youth?
He said no,
But yet he is being remembered for his great works as a writer because he had his few and good books to extract the knowledge from where he found his best!

How somebody is,what someone speaks,and writes,correlates on the FEW AND GOOD BOOKS HE OR SHE READS MUCH.

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