Relax under the Baobab tree,
Before we set another move,
The journey must get done,
Don't say you are too tired,
I am too.
Look at this Baobab tree,
Its leaves that gives you a shade,
Fruits you enjoy tasting,
And the roots you are sitting on.
This is the Work of nature,
Over times and times,
Both seen and invisibles.
Once the tramper spit the seeds,
When the taste fainted,
And he moved away.
Rain came and Sun off course,
Sand gave nutrients and Support,
Held it dearly,
For days and days,
And here it stands still
Majestically looking at us.
Imagine you and I,
We were a blending of cells,
Emerged to be Zygotes and, Embryos,
But we grew bigger,
And now,We wish big
Think big
Dream big
From down we can get high,
From little we can turn great,
From zero we can earn millions,
From nothing we can be something,
It takes time,
It takes energy,
That we lack none,
In a balanced manner.
One step at a time,
Let patience and focus lead,
Ready to resume?
Enough rest?Hold my hand back.
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