Josephat S. Hema
Calm down my heart,
Fierce was the day's heat,
It was hot and you did sweat,
Your hopes were torn apart,
Crying and cursing wouldn't fix it,
And you've carried it tonight,
Well again it’s the night.
The night Oh my night,
My pillow be my support
When i cry to bring a comfort,
I live but not for this night,
I will die inside to fix each part,
To make tomorrow nice just a bit,
Making it the best and smartest
The night Oh my night,
Make my friends scream not,
Let them sleep heavily this night
I wish to spend alone thinking of it,
So to make it better and silent,
Bring that wind Oh my night,
To sweep off fears from my heart.
The night Oh my night
Why staying forever you wouldn’t?
To embrace you warmly i want,
Give that warmth and leave not,
It’s cold and no one fights it,
Oh my night wouldn't you fight?
For i would love you with all my heart,
You are better than the daylight.
My night Oh my night,
I look up high and see not,
I loudly mourn and sound not,
I closely whisper and you hear not,
I open my arms and feel not,
My fingers stretch but touch not,
I fall asleep but dream not,
That's just part of the list.
My night Oh my night,
Stay forever Oh my night,
For me you are the best,
The daylight i frankly hate,
For few people are honest,
I wish to stay in bed every night,
Cheating my mind and laugh at it,
Thinking impossibly and admire it,
Looking the sky and smile at it,
Just giving a break to my heart
Stay forever Oh my night.
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