Alice Mwakabuli

            “We are going to see the people who failed in this test. As usual am going to call the people who got below 40%, when you hear your name please stand up.” The words were uttered by a math teacher, who stood in front of the big hall, with a piece of paper in his hands. The form five students were all quiet, with an obvious worry on some of the student’s faces.
           My mind was full of thoughts. “There is no way am going to escape this,” I said to myself. Then I started remembering all the times that I have been receiving my examination papers with poor marks. The week before I got my chemistry exam which I had F, without forgetting the physics test which I did with a lot of panicking and the results were terribly bad. “I am totally a failure. I always get these low grades.” My thoughts were interrupted by the teacher’s voice, after hearing my name.
          I stood slowly, filled with shame and disappointment. Anger was burning in my heart. Suddenly a thought came into my head. “This day I am standing in front of all these people because I failed. But I believe one day I will stand because of good results, and people will clap their hands for me.” I felt a strong confidence arising in my heart. That day after night preps, I didn’t go make stories and noise as my usual habit, but I went on the stairs and sat alone with my Mathematics text book, revision exercise book and a pen. I said to myself, “it’s enough with failing. I know am clever and I got all it takes to perform well in class. I am going to get high marks in the coming test. Then I started studying with a great focus and seriousness.
           We did the test and the results came out. God is good I did well and I was among the top 20 students in a mathematics class with almost a 100 students. It was a miracle to me. It did not end there but I continued performing well. This day I was called to stand in front of the class because I was the 2nd in my physics test. I got an A of 83%. All students in the class clapped their hands for me. See! My dream finally came true.
           What I want you to learn from this testimony, is that you should have confidence in yourself. You have all it takes to do it. If you think you can, or if you think you can’t, you are right. No one is born a failure trust me! The issue is in the mindset. Change your mindset towards the positives, and you will experience miracles in your life. Are you struggling with your studies? Or your talents? Or you are getting challenges towards reaching your dreams? And maybe you are thinking that things are not going to work out, like you are not going to succeed and all that. Come on! Not all closed doors are locked, PUSH. I want you to ignite your passion, be aggressive towards your dreams. Just believe in yourself. It doesn’t matter what other people say, it doesn’t matter what circumstances you are in, it doesn’t matter about your past or background, always remember this; IF YOU THINK YOU CAN, OR IF YOU THINK YOU CAN’T, YOU ARE BOTH RIGHT.

Alice Mwakabuli is a 4th year student at MUHIMBILI UNIVERSITY OF HEALTH AND ALLIED SCIENCIES (MUHAS) in Dar es salaam,taking Doctor of Medicine. She aspires to be the inspiration to youngsters and ladies through writing and speaking.She currently holds daily teachings for ladies in her Facebook page,TALITHA KOUM (https://web.facebook.com/Talitha-Koum-438845659896000/)

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