Josephat S. Hema

Give it time my dear
Till it matures
That lovely flower outdoor
Which for days
Watering did nothing
No blossoming
Neither standing upright
Did you fertilize it?
Did you shadow it?
Then why you blame it?
Stop that.

And when you want to fly
But your wings ache
They say no
you can’t wait going high
but it’s hard to strength

Your desire for the sky
Shouldn’t blind you
Look up high and see
The stormy atmosphere
Give it time to cool
And you will reach the clouds
But for now
Stop that.

When it reads awful
That written piece of paper
Futile it feels
And when the drawings settle not
Shabby they look
Paints ooze colors
The mix-up lets no drying
I will put pens in places
Cranyons,pencils and brushes
To let the day pass.

Better do I count birds
And sea waves rising and falling
To let the storm pass
Let me breath at the shore
And gather my strength
If it were me struggling

Something better will come,
But for now rest your skills,
My dear sailor,
Let it grow and mature,
Growth is resistible I know,
Through time and chaos,
And when you feel that,
Relax my dear for a little while
Stop it.

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