Josephat S. Hema
"Babu,what happened with the Germans?",I
"They caught me, with difficulty
I was chained,
But i couldn't leave your Grandmother,
She was the beauty of beauties,
In fact she is still" Chuckles.
He looked around to see her, entering inside the
Her light skin was still shinning,
With no modern oils.
"And so i told her to bring me Hedera,
Put in my eyes so i couldn’t see for a while,
My eyes ached,
Full of tears,
And the Germans released me,
They whipped me anyway,
Because they were angry to leave a strong man,
But they never entertained sick people"
"The Germans left,
I went back home,
She treated me to reverse my sight,
And i saw her again,
We lived and started a big family,
That you are the product of"
"This is the best love story ever,
It should have been written somewhere”, I said.
"I can't write my grandson,
But you will".
I smiled.
Grand pa slept again,
Bibi took him inside for the rest,
It was getting colder,
I cuddled my blanket joyfully,
Waiting for next day's stories.
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