Josephat S. Hema

As she was walking down the aisle,holding her father's hand so dearly, shinning and glittering in her veiled sleeveless wedding gown, He stood staring and trembling.”Life was all like a dream”, he thought. The Winans', ‘I found you’ was heard as she walked. It was kind of a movie and now this is the best part, the scene that he just couldn't wait to see.
She was walking that beautifully and majestically he used to admire, her ever-increasing beauty spreading all around, coming out of the wedding dress and radiate blessings to the admiring crowd. In his decent Tuxedo, He was finding his breath, holding a microphone, waiting to sing a surprise song he had been practicing for the past six months while he wondered if his voice would even come out as he remained caught in an awe never experienced before. He wished someone was close enough to catch him in case he happened to fall, or someone to lean on, but even the Reverend was not close enough.

The crowd turned aside as she was getting in, walking down the aisle with Hillsong’s “Oceans” taking a lead now. He saw her mother's faithful smile to her beloved soon-to-be wedded decent girl. Her father with such an amazing paternal pride. His parents were sitting close to each other, with their old smiles reflecting the unfading love they had for him. The crowd looked like they had been waiting for this moment all their lives, there heard some joyful voices and murmuring compliments. Everything turned colorful as the orchestra slow beats heard, and so she was approaching the altar.

In milliseconds, the memories that turned to this great day came in his mind, remembering a day when his Father for the first time spoke about a thing he never spoke to him before.
He had just completed high school and now his father thought he had grown enough to share with him some matters concerning marriage life. And so, whether it was a right approach or what, they happened to talk on the right characters of a woman worthy to be a wife. As he was explaining all the characters of a woman he wished to have for a wife, you know, its all about beauty and inner goodness. He wanted such a perfect figure, beautiful in all his preferences and good characters and most of all, a God-fearing one as he considered himself was. His father laughed at him,

"Your story can be cut short that you want to get married to an Angel", adding chuckles which sent both of them into a laughter.
"Well that kind of a girl can be found somewhere unknown, She is one in a million", he paused.
"That's too perfect son. It's kind of impossible, we humans have so many flaws, but you know, to God, there is no such a thing as impossible", He paused.
"What have you learned of prayers and faith?"He asked.

"That Faith can even move the Kilimanjaro mountain" He answered jokingly and then he continued.
"And prayers give us access to tell the Heavenly Father our requests, and he hears and finally grants the desires of our hearts according to his riches and wills "He concluded.
"Well said son, walk that talk faithfully, but one more thing. If you want right people to come in your life, be the right person", Father finished while patting him on his shoulders, smiling, as Mother welcomed them for supper. These words never left his memories.

Now days passed so fast like Usain Bolt's speed during the final 100 meters sprint of the World Championships in Berlin on 16 August 2009.
The struggles and stresses in college life to fulfill their heartfelt dreams were so intensive to the extent that days were not easily numbered. There were few moments when they could rest and walk around with friends. And so one day Him and She had a walk around the seashore.Collecting seashells was amazing, walking on the sea water, laughing and singing occasionally. He was not sure of the force that brought them together that day, but he felt it was heavenly, he was the happiest. That joy and peace he held in his heart that day made him tell her something that would change the day, she smiled and thanked him, they were then sitting on the fallen tree facing the breeze, holding hands. He suddenly rose up and carried her as she was shocked and she laughed demanding to be put down, but she was not really meaning so, she wished to stay forever.  So they left, then he knew that he was right and she felt so. The joy was unexplainable.
This was the Angel his father talked about some days back. Right there and after, the budding love flourished.

Right there and ahead, that love took better courses every day,even when they realized the differences they had, love kept them strong together still. He remembered some days later when he was introducing himself to her father, that cool father whose mustache and ears stood up when he knew the difficultly reconcilable differences. It is that father who finally would soon give his daughter away to him, for the rest of the remaining days of life. What happened between, they say it is history, everything settled through faith and more importantly, love.He felt the Romeo pride for Shakespeare's Juliet.

And so he would sing the famous Jambo boys song called "Malaika".The song he prayerfully practiced for this wonderful woman in front of him, the priceless and adorable woman he vowed to faithfully love and live with for the rest of his wife, the one and only.
And so the piano chords sounded along as he sang,"

 "Malaika, nakupenda Malaika
(Angel, I love you angel)

Malaika, nakupenda Malaika
(Angel, I love you angel)

Nami nifanyeje, kijana mwenzio
(and I, what should I do, your young friend)

Nashindwa na mali sina, we,
(I am defeated by the bride price that I don't have)

Ningekuoa Malaika
(I would marry you, angel)

Nashindwa na mali sina, we,
(I am defeated by the bride price that I don't have)

Ningekuoa Malaika
(I would marry you, angel)"

The crowd applauded with overwhelming joy, some people even cried with tears, He cried.
And so it all happened as planned, they exchanged vows under the alter's blessings and crowd's witness.
She said "I do", and so he did he. They put rings on each other's fingers.
What happened next is called "Happy ever after".

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